
Today has been a very strange day! It started off well and I completed another paper jug for FMP2, which i'm really pleased with, but then after lunch everything I tried to do I was completely unhappy with. And then I had bad news from a cancelled work experience placement which changed into amazing news in the form of a 3 week placement. So it was up and down and confusing but I guess it was all okay in the end.

Heres some sneaky pictures from my finished jug:

The next job on my list is to replicate this little one below with printed papers and that will hopefully be a final one too! and also thats my very messy studio space which is almost at its max capacity.

I am off to London tomorrow for the New Designers prep day so i'll post again as soon as I can!


  1. Hellooo! I remember seeing and being very impressed with your sketch book when you did art at school. So what planning process do these designs undergo? Anything you can post on here? Great news on your good news! Anyway, I would seriously fear a very tidy and organised work space as this would mean there was less time to plan, create and develop if you were tidying up all the time. Keep up the good work and I'm loving the blog xx

    1. Hello, I'll send you an email reply because its a lot to explain! x
